Interventions for sexual dysfunction following stroke
by Admin
Posted on 22-03-2023 05:51 PM
one of the most common but least talked about effects of stroke is sexual dysfunction, with 50% or more of stroke survivors experiencing a degree of sexual decline post stroke. This is not always well recognised, and it is often poorly managed. Management options are very broad and can include medications, counselling, and physical therapy.
Review question
we wanted to find out whether some treatments are better or worse than alternatives. Search date
the evidence is current to 27 november 2019. Study characteristics
population: we included studies in which participants were adults who had had a stroke. Intervention: interventions included medications or other treatments, such as rehabilitation, used to manage sexual problems following stroke.
Definition[ edit | edit source ] physical disability can be defined as impairment in body structures and functions, activities limitation and participation restrictions. International classification of functioning, disability and health (icf). Sexual dysfunction can be defined as low sexual functioning as a result of “decline in libido and coital frequency for both genders, decline in vaginal lubrication and orgasm in females and in erection and ejaculation in males”. Physical disability[ edit | edit source ] disability is commonly reported among stroke survivors. A third of stroke survivors have moderate to severe disability and another third have mild disability.
Appendix 2. MEDLINE search strategy
Four common databases, including medline (pubmed), embase (ovid), cochrane library, and psycinfo, were systematically searched to filter the eligible studies prior to december 1, 2020.
We only included those studies reporting with english language and investigating with human participants. The search strategy used for detecting the potential studies in pubmed databases was: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((“stroke”[mesh]) or (strokes)) or (cerebrovascular accident)) or (cerebrovascular accidents)) or (cva (cerebrovascular accident))) or (cvas (cerebrovascular accident))) or (cerebrovascular apoplexy)) or (apoplexy, cerebrovascular)) or (vascular accident, brain)) or (brain vascular accident)) or (brain vascular accidents)) or (vascular accidents, brain)) or (cerebrovascular stroke)) or (cerebrovascular strokes)) or (stroke, cerebrovascular)) or (strokes, cerebrovascular)) or (apoplexy)) or (cerebral stroke)) or (cerebral strokes)) or (stroke, cerebral)) or (strokes, cerebral)) or (stroke, acute)) or (acute stroke)) or (acute strokes)) or (strokes, acute)) or (cerebrovascular accident, acute)) or (acute cerebrovascular accident)) or (acute cerebrovascular accidents)) or (cerebrovascular accidents, acute)) and ((((((“erectile dysfunction”[mesh]) or sexual function) or sexual dysfunction) or “sexual dysfunctions, psychological”[mesh]) or “sexual dysfunction, physiological”[mesh]) or impotence).
References to studies included in this review
1department of urology, taizhou central hospital (taizhou university hospital), taizhou, china 2department of urology, maoming people's hospital, maoming, china 3department of neurosurgery, taizhou central hospital (taizhou university hospital), taizhou, china 4department of obstetrics and gynecology, taizhou central hospital (taizhou university hospital), taizhou, china men with erectile dysfunction (ed) are considered to be at risk from stroke events. Conversely, post-stroke patients are also at high risk of ed, whereas a quantitative result from all the relevant studies has not been previously addressed. Therefore, we have performed a comprehensive review and meta-analysis on this issue. This study was registered on prospero (id no. Crd42021226618). Twenty studies with a total of 3,382 stroke events were included, of which six studies were included for quantitative analysis, and the remaining 14 studies were calculated for the ratio of ed.
Men with erectile dysfunction (ed) are considered to be at risk from stroke events. Conversely, post-stroke patients are also at high risk of ed, whereas a quantitative result from all the relevant studies has not been previously addressed. Therefore, we have performed a comprehensive review and meta-analysis on this issue. This study was registered on prospero (id no. Crd42021226618). Twenty studies with a total of 3,382 stroke events were included, of which six studies were included for quantitative analysis, and the remaining 14 studies were calculated for the ratio of ed. Synthetic results from four eligible studies providing the ed cases showed that stroke patients were associated with a significantly higher risk of ed than the general population [pooled relative risk (rr) = 3.
Any studies reporting the prevalence of ed in post-stroke patients with or without a control group were considered eligible. The inclusion criteria for this systematic review and meta-analysis were followed with the standard of patient, intervention, comparison, outcome, and study design (picos). The question guiding for this study was: is there a positive association between stroke and ed? the components for the picos evidence were: adult men with ed or impotence (p), a history of stroke (i), compared with the normal healthy subjects©, the confirmation of ed (o), and any study designs (s). In addition, those studies representing with the rr, hazard ratio (hr), or odds ratio (or) with 95% ci or sufficient data to calculate the effect sizes were included.