How Are Age and ED Related?
by Admin
Posted on 21-03-2023 11:53 PM
How can one tell the difference between ed that is psychological or stress-related, and ed that is a heart disease risk? dr. Walker said he can usually tell from an initial conversation. Men in generally good health who use terms such as “performance anxiety” usually suffer from stress-induced or substance-induced ed, which is caused by anxiety, distraction or too much drinking of alcoholic beverages. These patients often respond to such drugs as cialis, levitra and viagra, all of which enhance the effects of nitric oxide, a natural chemical in the body that relaxes the penis muscles and increases blood flow.
Type 2 diabetes is most commonly related to ed. Having either of these conditions is a risk factor for developing the other. However, as type 2 diabetes is a condition mainly caused by long-term exposure to lifestyle factors, it affects less than 5% of americans⁶ aged 18–44. Due to this, it is less likely the cause of ed is in your 20s. Type 1 diabetes is a condition where the disease onset is much younger, including in children and young adults. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can damage your blood vessels if they are not well-controlled. Because of this, if you have type 1 diabetes, it may be contributing to your ed.
What Are the Causes of ED in Younger Men?
Surgery for erectile dysfunction is usually only recommended if all other treatment methods have failed. It may also be considered in:
younger men who have experienced serious injury to their pelvic area – for example, in a car accident
men with a significant anatomical problem with their penis
in the past, surgery was used if there was clear evidence of a blockage to the blood supply of the penis. The surgeon could unblock the blood vessels to restore a normal supply of blood.
However, research now suggests that the long-term results of this type of surgery are poor, so it's unlikely to be used.
You probably think of erectile dysfunction (ed) as a condition that mainly affects older men. But it can happen to men in their 20s and 30s, too. Some studies suggest that up to 30% of younger men deal with ed. You might assume that ed issues in younger men are just one-off events and that the problem will go away on its own. It’s true that having erection trouble every once in a while isn’t necessarily cause for concern, according to the mayo clinic. But that doesn’t mean guys under 40 should just accept erectile problems. Understanding why ed happens when you’re young can get you back on track in the bedroom.
Symptoms of ED in Younger Men
Share this article for many men, erectile dysfunction (ed) is one of the most embarrassing health issues they will encounter. And that embarrassment can be particularly intense for young men because of the rareness of ed in younger males. Generally, ed is associated with ageing — the older you are, the more likely you are to experience some form of it. For example, the majority of men aged over 45 have some form of ed , but it’s much less common in younger men. Some studies estimate 8% of males aged 20-29, and 11% of those aged 30-39, struggle with it.
The urologist must discuss the topic of ed delicately and caringly in order to earn the patient’s trust and be permitted to address his problem ( 15 ). It is important early during the visit to engage the patient and provide him reassurance that you will work as a team to evaluate and treat his disorder. A detailed history is the most important component of the evaluation. A thorough sexual history has many components. It should begin with information regarding onset, duration, severity, patient-suspected etiology of the ed. Ask the patient to define his specific concerns. The term “erectile dysfunction” is very broad, and the patient may actually have arousal issues or ejaculatory concerns or a combination of concerns.
Natural remedies for ed are increasingly available over the counter. But little, if any, scientific evidence suggests that they work. Also, some remedies can produce side effects or react negatively with medications. Before trying any over-the-counter treatment, it is important to consult a doctor. In addition, these natural remedies and supplements may actually worsen erectile function in the long term, even if help in the short term. It is also worth noting that they work differently from ed medications such as viagra and cialis, which do not affect function beyond the time that the medication is in effect. Read more about natural treatments for ed here.
Erectile dysfunction (ed) is likely the most difficult and sensitive topic a male patient will have to discuss with their doctor, especially for a patient in their 20s and 30s. The overall societal stigma and awkwardness placed on this condition can lower one’s self esteem and become a barrier to starting this conversation. Many young men with ed may feel it is impossible for someone their age to have these symptoms. However, approximately 20% of men in their 20s and 30% of men in the 30s suffer from at least mild to moderate symptoms of ed. Fortunately, as primary care physicians, we are fully prepared to have this discussion with our male patients and thoroughly investigate all medical/physical and psychological/emotional causes.