Ng 2017 {published data only}

by Admin

Posted on 22-03-2023 05:51 PM

Any studies reporting the prevalence of ed in post-stroke patients with or without a control group were considered eligible. The inclusion criteria for this systematic review and meta-analysis were followed with the standard of patient, intervention, comparison, outcome, and study design (picos). natural The question guiding for this study was: is there a positive association between stroke and ed? the components for the picos evidence were: adult men with ed or impotence (p), a history of stroke (i), compared with the normal healthy subjects©, the confirmation of ed (o), and any study designs (s). In addition, those studies representing with the rr, hazard ratio (hr), or odds ratio (or) with 95% ci or sufficient data to calculate the effect sizes were included.

How men perform in the bedroom could suggest how healthy their hearts and arteries are. According to new research, erectile dysfunction may be a risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. The study, published monday in the american heart association journal circulation, sought to determine whether ed alone is a good predictor of cardiovascular risk. Prior studies had suggested a link between the two but there was limited evidence to support ed as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Researchers studied data from nearly 2,000 racially diverse men, with an average age of 69, who had no history of heart disease or stroke.

How the intervention might work

Types of interventions for sexual dysfunction include: interventions are not mutually exclusive and may be used in combination. An example of a comprehensive intervention for sexual dysfunction following stroke is sexual rehabilitation. study Rehabilitation is defined as "a problem‐solving educational process aimed at reducing disability and handicap (participation) experienced by someone as a result of disease or injury" ( wade 1992 ). The specific aims of stroke sexual rehabilitation are to assess existing sexual issues, provide information on concerns, and support safe return to sexual activity after a stroke ( byrne 2016 ). Sexual rehabilitation is tailored according to individual needs and is delivered in a co‐ordinated manner by medical staff, together with representatives of one or more disciplines (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work, psychology, nursing).

Why it is important to do this review

Because there are a variety of causes for ed , there are several different tests your doctor may use to diagnose the condition and determine its cause. Only after the cause of ed is determined can it be effectively treated. Before ordering any tests, your doctor will review your medical history and perform a thorough physical examination. The doctor will also "interview" you about your personal and sexual history. Some of these questions will be very personal and may feel intrusive. However, it is important that you answer these questions honestly. The questions asked may include:

men with erectile dysfunction (ed) are considered to be at risk from stroke events. Conversely, post-stroke patients are also at high risk of ed, whereas a quantitative result from all the relevant studies has not been previously addressed. Therefore, we have performed a comprehensive review and meta-analysis on this issue. This study was registered on prospero (id no. Crd42021226618). Twenty studies with a total of 3,382 stroke events were included, of which six studies were included for quantitative analysis, and the remaining 14 studies were calculated for the ratio of ed. Synthetic results from four eligible studies providing the ed cases showed that stroke patients were associated with a significantly higher risk of ed than the general population [pooled relative risk (rr) = 3.